Price Calculator
Prices to clean curtains are determined by 3 things:
1) Types of fabric. Check this out here
2) Construction of the curtains
3) Size (Height and width)
Please note that the table does not include any courier or other external costs.
What is a drop?
Curtains are constructed of panels of fabric sewn together. Each panel is called a ‘drop.’
A curtain is normally made from 1 or more drops. A full drop is normally about 1400mm wide.
To count the drops, check the back of the curtain for seams and count the total number of panels. Some curtains have quarter, half, or 3 quarter panels. Add then all together for each size.
Where the curtains have no discernible vertical joins, measure the width of the curtain
at the bottom hem and divide by 1400mm. (1.4 M).
Measuring a drop
CURTAIN Cleaning Prices (Per drop)
Need to check out the types again? Go here
If you have blinds, look here for prices.
Ironing of Curtains
Curtains that require ironing (other than as priced under linens) cost an extra amount per drop.
Tie Backs
Voiles are sheers constructed as a curtain. Counted as drops @ 1.4m.