So, you’ve finally chosen that fabulous wallpaper to showcase your style but how do you best look after it to keep it looking fresh and clean?
Many a foreign object can flick onto the surface of the wallpapers in your home that can range from food to crayon to fly spray, the list goes on. Like any textile, wallpapers do need a little bit of love every now and then, a regular wipe down with a clean cloth should keep dust and marks at bay however there are times when there may be the need for a more deeper clean.
To better understand how to care for your wallcoverings we need to first understand the different types of wallpaper on the market and their cleaning durability. The main three classifications are:
1. Washable: Coated papers (light weight vinyl) would fall under this category. A mild detergent and water can be used to occasionally wipe surface of wallcovering. Not suitable for high traffic areas due to light cleaning and inability to remove stains or contaminants without damage.
2. Scrubbable: Generally heavy vinyl’s, these types of wallcoverings are suited to higher traffic areas as they can withstand scrubbing to remove stains and dirt more effectively.
3. Spongeable: The most delicate of the three methods with wall coverings primarily used for decorative effect (uncoated). Best maintained by using a dry clean sponge/eraser or with a lightly dampened cloth and avoiding heavy water use.

Before you embark on any decorating that may involve the application of wallpaper, we recommend you do your research as to which wallpaper is best suited to the walls you are covering. Is it a bathroom that will need to withstand a wet environment or is it a feature wall in a bedroom that will be used for its decorative properties?
Always ensure you check the label supplied with your wallcovering to ensure you’re using the correct care method to ensure it’s longevity. Do not use household cleaners or abrasive materials as this can cause unwanted damage.
Tips for stains:
We recommend to always clean stains immediately as the longer you wait the worse the problem will get.
Follow these tips to help eliminate stains fast:
- Always remove any excess splatters by blotting the surface.
- Applying talcum powder to noticeable grease stains (i.e. oil, crayon, lipstick) will help to absorb the spot from the surface of the wallcovering.
- Not quite enough to remove it? Holding a piece of brown paper or paper towel and applying a warm iron will further absorb the grease marks.
Thanks to James Dunlop for this informative article.